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在线MBA vs. 传统MBA:优点 & Cons

So it’s been said: You have been online much too long when you say “LOL” instead of actually laughing out loud.


For most of us, though, the pluses of being online far outweigh the minuses.

这取决于你的学习方式和个人喜好, being electronically and virtually connected can open up new opportunities to learn, 成长和接受挑战——尤其是当涉及到 攻读MBA.

在这里,十大正规赌博平台大全排行帮你检查一下赚钱的利弊 在线工商管理硕士学位 与在课堂上获得传统的MBA相比.

利用这些信息来帮助你 决定参加在线MBA课程是否适合你.


你绝对可以 完成你的MBA学位,不管你是有工作、有家庭还是两者兼而有之. Many online learning programs are flexible enough to fit any schedule, 但又足够强健,能确保你接受优质教育. Some universities, like Franklin, don’t require you to choose either. You’re free, at any time, to combine the best of both worlds by taking face-to-face and 在线课程提供最大的灵活性.


Online classes require a shift either in mindset and/or priorities. 这需要一些自律,还有一些 时间管理工具, to complete your courses and obtain college credit with online classes.

Frankly, some students prefer the structure of a classroom setting. 如果是你,也没关系. Just 参加传统的MBA课程 instead.


确保你的投资最大化, most online MBA instructors require a substantial amount of class discussion via online forums.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行想确保你还活着,布鲁斯·坎贝尔开玩笑说。, PhD, CTP, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行MBA项目主席. “严重, though, our program is tailored for working professionals to be as relevant and integrated as possible. We provide a generalist MBA that builds upon your experience as a working professional. Participating extensively online will broaden your education to give you the career progression you desire.”

无论你选择 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的MBA项目 or something else, online classes should challenge and engage you.

选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.



是的,你没看错. 好处和坏处是一样的——取决于你的 人格类型.

被动的学生可能会觉得在线学习有点挑战, 但肯定没有比课堂环境更重要的了.

Still, some people may prefer the immediate feedback of a classroom discussion. If that’s you, take an on-site class but consider at least trying at one online course. 你可能会发现你喜欢它.

Pro:一所大学的在线MBA 认证非营利性机构 与传统MBA一样有价值(或更有价值).

有一种说法是,在线mba缺乏可信度. Not so---as long as you earn your MBA from an 认证 university. 例如, Franklin’s globally informed MBA degree program covers everything from finance to international business to strategy so you maximize your opportunity for career progression with a competitive edge.


这里没有争论. 如果你有暂停生活的奢侈, 被哈佛录取并录取, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行凭什么反对它?

Pro:An online MBA costs less or about the same as a traditional MBA at an Ivy League school.

数字不言自明. 虽然这是真的,一分钱一分货, not everyone has the luxury of being able to drop out of life and career for two years to pursue an MBA.

谢天谢地,你不需要这么做. You can still get a quality educated at a fraction of the cost by enrolling in a non-Ivy League school’s online MBA program.

反对:反对? 反对什么?

A high-quality, fully integrated MBA that lets you build upon your career field? 是的,请. Besides, how many of us really expect to get into a high-brow school?

还是不相信? Here are 5 others reasons why it can be a good idea to earn your MBA online:

  1. 它是方便的.
    夜猫子和早起的鸟儿都可以高兴了. An online MBA program lets you take classes around a busy professional life, 家庭时间和其他对你很重要的事情.
  2. 它更快.
    Most traditional MBA’s require a full two-year commitment in which you leave behind everything but school. 通过加速在线课程, you can earn your degree in as little as 12 months with no GMAT or GRE requirement if, 比如十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 你遇到的 特定的需求.
  3. 它建立在你作为一名专业工作人员的经验之上.
    如实, this one can apply to either an online or traditional program but only IF it’s the right kind of program. Look for an online MBA that is taught by faculty with industry experience. 你会学到实践背后的理论 and how to apply them in real-world situations---even while you’re still in the program.
  4. A top-ranked online MBA prepares you for new career opportunities.
    The 劳工统计局 predicts a 15% increase in 工商管理 jobs through the year 2022. 换句话说:估计有5人.5 million 工商管理 jobs are available for qualified candidates and an online MBA from an 认证 非营利性机构 can help you make it happen.
  5. 你将建立一个国际同行网络.
    这是一个不断变化的世界, increasingly global marketplace and the best MBA programs are the ones that prepare you for it. With 来自美国的学生.S. 还有很多其他国家, 包括阿曼, 波兰和乌克兰, you can have a virtual reach into a new network of peers from around the world.


Learn how you can earn your MBA (online or in the classroom) in as little as 12 months at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行.

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